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There are many reasons why you might be looking for a therapist and there are many therapists out there. Selecting the right therapist for you, the person who you believe will help you, is probably the most important part of your therapy journey. 

Everyone is pretty bad at asking for help. We are raised in other people's fears and beliefs and our first challenge is a fight to create our personal identity and values. Our second challenge is to then live by our choices. Being your own person almost always means having to prioritise yourself and your needs above the opinions and values of those we don’t want to hurt and that can be hard to do. 


As people, we find ourselves with relational, personal and familial boundaries we feel are imposed on us, by life, by accident or by things we cannot control. By the time we ask for help we often find ourselves anxious or depressed, often burdened with feelings like guilt and anger. 


As a therapist, I am here to work with you as you untangle those feelings and clarify your perceptions, allowing you to prioritise; to connect or even re-connect with the things that really matter to you.


It is not easy to do. It involves a partnership and trust. It is about you and your future self. Which is why I believe that finding the right person will make the most difference for you. 


There are many different disciplines within Psychotherapy. I am an Integrated Existentialist Psychotherapist. This means that I have a broad experience in different disciplines but focus our relationship within the existentialist philosophy and outcomes. 


Existentialists believe that, as people, we have the right and the opportunity to be comfortable in the world. Comfortable with ourselves, with our intentions and our ability to be whom we wish. It is about finding your way of being rather than just fixing problems. 


My time with you will see us working together to allow you to become the person you chose to become. We agree and set goals and we challenge those goals as appropriate, as we grow and develop over time. 


You can find my experience and areas of capability on the next page.  Please think about the issues you would like to resolve and arrange a complimentary consultation for us to consider our journey together.

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